Saturday, December 8, 2012

Till now

I've grown so much, till this day, i felt as if i was in a dream. Wished life weren't that short, like as if i can go back to the past and make things turn right. That's reality you can never change the sins you did during the past or mistakes that you encounter, but you can always make things right for your future. Regardless of what i did wrong, i just want to apologize to anyone if i have ever made any mistakes or hurt you in any way. Sometimes human can be clumsy or selfish in a particular moment in life.

Remember when you were young and you wished to have the things you want in life, i had that moments when i needed that wish, but at this age, i've almost reach a level when i achieved all those wishes, somehow i just wished that i was young again.


  1. well written khalif.

  2. Wow :o what mistake u done before ?

  3. Just minor mistakes, quite impossible for a person to have no mistakes in their life
