Friday, September 2, 2011

Almost Over

Dear Readers,
Raya's for one month right???, but usually we would be back on track(to work)at the end of the first week,
This year's Raya is the most prestigious and memorable festive ever. Since we have our own new holiday home in Malaysia,(Terengganu).

Firstly, i would like to say that i was really happy when i first steped inside the house, from a spot where a view is an empty land, to a structure figure that was viewed epically. The house was just nice, not too big and not too small, Just nice for a cozy, relaxing, place to stay for a holiday treat. Besides reviewing the house, I myself was surprised that many of our relatives and friends came by to drop at our house for Hari raya, even our friend in London which we haven't met for a long time, took the initiative to come visit us, I really appreciate everyone for dropping by at our new holiday home.

It' looks like raya is coming to an end for me, 
Better start preparing for my finals at the end of this month.

Have you ever felt like u are lazy to go back home and start work again, well i think that happens to everyone in this world. Nothing much we could do about it, but just think positively, that we did enjoyed a one week break from the stressful work we've done all this late nights with sleepless thoughts. For me, it's really hard to recover back where you first start, it usually takes a night or two for me to have the strength to carry on my last work i did.

Lastly, I would like to say that, if you are being scolded or being treated badly by your friend or been given advise from elderly people or whatsoever, Just continue on working hard, even if they see you as a failure or they lose hope on you, Just carry on and move forward and find a solution, and it's ok to feel regretful for what you did, but don't feel sad all the time, it does not change anything. Just remain silence, and when the time comes to impressed them, that's when you show and shine..hahahahahah 

This goes to everyone who needs motivation on their studies and work

Lastly, bye from me Khalif Haziq

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